Anti-Corruption and Integrity Outlook 2024

In recent years, OECD countries have strengthened their anti-corruption and integrity frameworks. However, according to OECD criteria, in key areas countries’ monitoring and implementation of integrity measures need improvement, meaning that countries are not mitigating corruption risks as well as they could. Countries must take steps to address these data and implementation gaps. They also need to update and upgrade their integrity frameworks in the face of evolving corruption risks, related to the green transition, AI and foreign interference, to support economic growth, democratic governance and the public interest.
Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2023

What’s new? In the third week of February, the African Union (AU) will hold its annual heads of state summit. The meeting affords African leaders a chance to assess the AU’s readiness to confront the numerous internal and external challenges the continent faces in the year ahead.
Why does it matter? Recent years have been marked by bloody civil wars, armed insurrections, coups and other crises that have spread instability and cost thousands of lives on the continent. External shocks have contributed to instability. While agreements reached in 2022 offer hope in some places, renewed hostilities have flared elsewhere.
2022 Books For Africa annual report

The report focuses on Books For Africa's results in 2022. BFA continues as the world's largest shipper of donated books to the African continent, shipping over 57 million books and serving every single African country in our 34-year history.
In 2022 alone, they shipped over 3.2 million books, and 355 computers and e-readers containing over one million digital books, carrying a total value of over $26.7 million. they served 27 countries chis year. Thanks to supporters, over $2.3 million in cash donations was raised in 2022 to ship these materials.
They were recognized as one of the best non-profits in the U.S.: BFA received top recognition from the premier charity recognition organizations in 2022. They garnered their 11th consecutive top 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, putting BFA in the top three percent of all U.S. charities for fiscal responsibility and transparency.
AEZO Annual Report 2022

Since the late 90s, African Special Economic Zones have gained considerable traction and are considered as one of the main instruments to stimulate economic growth, promote FDI, and accelerate industrialization.
According to the African Economic Zones Outlook 2021, there are 203 operational SEZs in Africa and 73 projects that have been announced for completion. SEZs are well developed across the continent and present in 47 of the 54 countries, and are responsible for the creation of 60 million jobs in agro-processing, manufacturing and services, with an average female participation of close to 37%.
Second Continental Report on The Implementation of Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period. The continent aims to achieve this objective through the realisation of five ten-year implementation plans.
The First Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063, spanning 2014 to 2023, outlines a set of goals, priority areas and targets that the continent aims to achieve at national, regional and continental levels. Against this background, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) were tasked by policy organs of the African Union to coordinate and prepare continental-level biennial performance reports to track progress made towards the goals and targets of Agenda 2063.
Africa’s Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook - January 2023

Africa’s Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook is the African Development Bank Group’s new biannual publication to be released in the first and third quarters of each year.
The publication will offer policymakers, global investors, researchers, and other development partners an up-to-date evidence-based assessment of the continent’s recent macroeconomic performance and short-to-medium-term outlook amid dynamic global economic developments.
AMI - Togo - L'élaboration et la mise en œuvre d'un programme de renforcement des capacités entrepreneuriales des micro, petites et moyennes entreprises et élaborations du guide d'accès au financement - PAPIDPPP

Les services prévus au titre de ce contrat vise à :
- élaborer et mettre en œuvre un programme de renforcement des capacités entrepreneuriales des micros, petites et moyennes entreprises,
- élaborer et vulgariser un guide d’accès au financement à l’endroit des acteurs du secteur privé national,
- élaborer une stratégie de renforcement des capacités managériales des entreprises.
La durée prévisionnelle de la mission est de trois (03) mois. La date indicative de démarrage de la mission est le 10 avril 2023.
GPN - Multinational - COMESA Support Towards Regional Pharmaceutical Sector Development

The principal objectives of this project are to provide institutional support for the development of the pharmaceutical industry through strengthened capacities of the region’s pharmaceutical regulatory bodies, quality control and management systems, research, and development institutions for effective manufacturing of safe and quality pharmaceutical products in the region.
Country Focus Report 2022 - Supporting Climate Resilience and a Just Energy Transition in Nigeria

Nigeria suffers from multiple climate change effects with multiple economic and social consequences. In particular, the country’s energy poverty and rising food insecurity has hampered the country to adequately manage climate related shocks. Thus, for a country dependent on traditional agriculture and natural resource extraction, adaptation to climate change is key in its efforts towards the achievement of sustainable and inclusive development and transition to net zero.
Economic Impacts of Covid-19 and Policy Options in the Seychelles

This report presents an in-depth assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy of the Seychelles, focusing especially on the pandemic’s effects on the key productive sectors of the economy: fishing, tourism, and manufacturing sectors. The report focuses on the short-run and the medium-run impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and examines the potential of two different government policy responses in fostering the longer-term recovery and resilience of the Seychelles economy through an exploration of their aggregate and sectoral impacts.