Rebooting the European economy: Towards a green, digital and more resilient Union - 16/17 November 2020 - (online event)

This year, EBS is different
This year is different; in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, EBS has decided to make a few changes to our format. As scheduled, the European Business Summit will return to the Egmont Palace on the 16th and 17th of November 2020 as a hybrid event. This new event format will include a limited in-person portion of the event alongside live-streaming of keynote sessions and online engagement (+10,000 viewers over the 2 days of Summit). Since the number of in-person spots is limited, please ensure that you have registered online to guarantee your place. EBS is looking forward to welcoming you all to celebrate our 20th edition together in November. […]
Webinar - Building stronger health systems going forward
The COVID-19 pandemic is propelling global health as a major priority of the EU’s development aid agenda. This webinar, which is the fourth and last of a series organised by DAI and ECDPM, showcases the importance of a coordinated public and private response. It will also present various health projects and their different reactions to the pandemic: from traditional awareness-raising campaigns to high-tech digital tools, the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing creativity and innovation. Panellists will reflect on how the emergency reaction, global creativity can help build stronger health systems, in partnership with governments, the private sector, communities, and regional professional networks.
Webinar - The Next Generation of Africa Europe Relations

Webinar - Africa-EU Strategy: What trade is needed to promote sustainable development on the African continent?

Speakers: Joachim Schuster (MEP, Member of the Committee on International Trade), Ilan Strauss (Senior Research Associate, Industrial Development (SARChl), University of Johannesburg; Lecturer in Macroeconomics, Rice University), NN (European Commission)
In this webinar we would like to discuss how EU’s Communication “Towards a new strategy with Africa” needs to be adjusted to become a roadmap for a sustainable and equal partnership between both continents. The Corona crisis requires adjustments with regard to health care systems and public services in Africa. In addition, we would like to discuss what improvements are needed especially in the areas of trade, regional economic integration, and jobs to allow Africa a sustainable socio-economic development both after Covid-19 and in the long run.
Webinar - The impact of COVID-19 on peace operations in Africa

Date: 18 June 2020
Time: 12.30-14.00
The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an Africa Lunch Meeting Webinar on 18 June with Senior Research Fellow Cedric de Coning from the Peace, Conflict and Development Research Group at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI). Drawing on extensive research on African peacekeeping, Dr. de Coning will examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted peace operations on the continent. Thus far Africa, where the bulk of AU and UN peacekeepers are deployed, has been spared the brunt of the crisis, but this is likely to change in the medium term. In the short-term, activities have been reduced to the most critical, rotations have been frozen, and most staff are working remotely. Most of the missions have adapted remarkably well. However, even more changes are likely in the medium term when the global economic recession, that is expected to follow in the wake of the virus may force peace operations to drastically contract in size and scope.
InfoPoint Lunchtime Conference: Agricultural Trade and the Transition to Sustainable Food System

Wednesday 4th of March 2020 - Rue de la Loi, Brussels
EBCAM’s Research Assistants attended the EU Commission InfoPoint which gave the floor to Prof. Johan Swinnen from the International Food Policy Research Institute. IFPRI provides research-based solutions for food systems as well as capacity-building. Mr. Swinnen argued that trade is the key to improve food security and nutrition through diversification of food products. The professor then explained that the EU was still Africa’s main partner in the agricultural sector but that its share had gone down from 60% to 35%. Others topics were addressed such as sustainable development, protectionism, food standards and different value chain models existing in the agricultural sector.
The InfoPoint was then followed by a Q&A session during which participants were invited to interact with speakers.
Click here to see the full summary

Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th of February 2020/ German Development Institute, Bonne, Germany
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the only region where the number of poor people is still rising. The vast majority of the workforce is employed informally and under precarious conditions. While many Asian countries have shown that such conditions can be overcome, the potential drivers for such structural transformation in SSA are still unclear. At the same time, international conditions for economic development are undergoing radical changes.
The two-day conference will combine keynote speeches offering various perspectives with expert sessions focusing on specific game changing trends. Following the eight expert sessions, two panel discussions will be held:
- the first aims to integrate findings from the expert sessions and attempts to identify some overall lessons for Africa’s structural transformation ahead.
- The second addresses implications for governance. The key assumption is that different pathways of economic development correspond to specific governance patterns; thus, if economic transformation changes direction, so do mechanisms of accountability, participation etc.
Following these panels, representatives of the Economic Commission for Africa, BMZ and DEVCO will highlight important outcomes for international cooperation, especially what implications emerge for the AU-EU partnership.
The conference is organized jointly by DIE with the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), the Africa Growth Initiative at Brookings Institution, the Center for Development Research at University of Bonn (ZEF), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa as well as the international research and think tank networks GRECEST, Malabo-Montpellier Panel, PEGNet and T20 Africa.
Full programme here
GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum - 25th, February - Amsterdam, Netherlands

GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum
Tuesday, 25th of February 2020 / Kit Royal Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum promotes investments in agriculture in the Republic of Congo. The Congolese authorities are aiming to boost agricultural investment. This ambition is laid out in their National Development Plan. Cooperation with international investors and participation of the global business community is therefore crucial. During GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum you will hear about investment opportunities in the Republic of Congo, which has 10 million hectares of arable land available – of which only 2% is currently used.The GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum promotes investments in agriculture in the Republic of Congo. The Congolese authorities are aiming to boost agricultural investment. This ambition is laid out in their National Development Plan. Cooperation with international investors and participation of the global business community is therefore crucial. During GrowCongo! Invest in Agriculture Forum you will hear about investment opportunities in the Republic of Congo, which has 10 million hectares of arable land available – of which only 2% is currently used.
The forum is an initiative of the World Bank and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Republic of Congo. The Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC) has been selected to organise the forum.
Click here to register
4th German-African Agribusiness Forum 2018

The German-African Business Association (Afrika-Verein) and the German Agribusiness Alliance invite you cordially to the
4th German-African Agribusiness Forum:
Opportunities and Challenges along the Value Chain
From Agricultural Farming to Food Processing and Distribution
22 January 2018
at the Ellington Hotel, Nürnbergerstraße 50-55, 10789 Berlin
During the 4th Edition of the forum in 2018 we will explore the opportunities and challenges along the value chain, from Agricultural Farming to Food Processing and Distribution.
Together we will assess technical, business and governance factors in designing successful agribusiness in Africa. Key topics among others are the potential in the value chain, energizing agribusiness and financing models. We will additionally focus on concrete projects and workshops to generate intense networking and deliver results. And of course the future of Agribusiness is involved: young farmers and entrepreneurs are invited to join our Forum to inspire, network and discuss with us the developments to come.
Our Forum serves to create synergies and a platform for exchange and networking to a large number of important decision- and policy makers from all over the African Continent, Germany and around the globe within the agribusiness field.
7th Nordic-African Business Summit
“Investing in Africa’s Transition – How, not Why?”
This was the overall topic this year. The private sector plays an important part in the continent’s transition, and we believe Nordic companies should and could pay more attention.
Secretary General of EBCAM, Mr Alexandros Spachis, attended the summit and elaborated a report on it.
Here you can read it!