Promouvoir l'intégration professionnelle des femmes dans la région du Sahel et du lac Tchad - 21 April 2021 (online event)
Le taux d’emploi des femmes en Afrique subsaharienne (59.3 %, OIT en 2017) est le plus élevé au monde (45.8 %). Cependant, la grande majorité des femmes travaille dans l’économie informelle, avec des emplois peu rémunérés. De nombreux pays ont des dispositions légales restreignant la capacité des femmes à obtenir un emploi au même titre qu’un homme ; par exemple, l’accès limité à certaines professions. Des perceptions profondément stéréotypées, des attitudes discriminatoires et pratiques coutumières perdurent.
Parmi les principales stratégies visant à accroître l'autonomisation économique des femmes dans les pays à faible revenu et les pays à revenu intermédiaire, mentionnons l'amélioration de leur accès à l'éducation et à l´enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels et à des emplois à temps complet rémunérés et productifs.
Le programme ARCHIPELAGO adhère aux stratégies mentionnées plus haut.À cet égard chaque projet ARCHIPELAGO doit inclure un minimum de 40% des femmes dans toutes ses activités de formation professionnelle et de formation à l’entrepreneuriat.
Extractives Transparency in a post-COVID World: A perspective from Africa - 13 April 2021 (online event)
The COVID-19 pandemic created major challenges for resource rich countries. Oil and gas producers faced a major downturn in revenues and major mining operations ceased production. Even though commodity prices, especially for strategic minerals, have since bounced back, these trends had an adverse impact on public expenditures at a time that spending needs in response to the health and economic crisis were acute. The EITI, with its focus on maximising the value of a country’s natural resources for all citizens for all 55 members, is seeking to enhance the relevance of reporting by governments and companies to contribute to informed public debate and policy decisions on the use of revenues from these resources. Reconciling energy access with the imperative towards a low carbon energy transition will be a major challenge for EITI implementing countries going forward and this calls for innovative responses in a post-COVID world. Mark Robinson will set out the strategic priorities for the EITI in the post-COVID world, while Mdm. Coll-Seck will share the insights on the value of the EITI to implementing countries in Africa.
Archipelago webinar: Professional integration of women in the Sahel and Lake Chad region - 21 April 2021 (online event)
Ce séminaire est un événement en ligne organisé par le programme ARCHIPELAGO. L’hébergement du séminaire sur la plateforme Zoom est assurée par EUROCHAMBRES, partenaire au sein du consortium du programme ARCHIPELAGO. En vous inscrivant à cet événement, vous consentez à ce que vos données personnelles, comme indiqué dans le formulaire d'inscription, soient collectées, traitées et stockées conformément à la législation applicable et à la politique de confidentialité. Vous autorisez également l'organisateur à transférer les données vers l'Union européenne en cas d'activités cofinancées.
COVID-19: How can the EU support its partner countries to avoid and resolve debt crises? - 19 March 2021 (online event)
Many developing countries will not find their way out of the COVID-19 crisis on their own, and in addition to the direct public health and economic implications face both immediate and medium-term fiscal challenges. As long-standing providers of concessional finance and direct investment to developing countries, the international community, including also the European Union, has a shared interest to support these countries.
The European Union recognises this responsibility and on 30 November 2020 adopted Council Conclusions in which it committed to furthering international debt restructuring and relief efforts for African countries. The EU has also supported the G20/Paris Club “Debt Service Suspension Initiative” (DSSI), and the G20 and Paris Club “Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI”. In addition, the EU decided to contribute €183 million to the IMF’s Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) for debt relief on IMF loans in the 29 poorest and most vulnerable countries. Yet these measures are not sufficient to avoid and resolve debt crises in developing countries.
This event is co-organised in collaboration with the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), which is a network of European independent think tanks working on EU international cooperation for global sustainable development.
Rising Inequalities – What are the implications for policymaking? - 12 March 2021 (online event)
The long-term trend toward rising inequalities or persistently high levels of inequalities in many countries raises major challenges for economic growth, social cohesion and financial stability. Added to this, the short and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic increase the challenge and urgency for policy makers to respond with policies that can counter the trend and ease the shock, especially for developing countries.
This virtual Infopoint Conference will discuss, on the basis of a recent paper by Juergen Zattler, the driving forces of growing inequalities, and their economic, political and social implications, with a special focus on developing countries. It will also discuss how policymakers can fight these trends, and in particular the role that development cooperation policy can play. Click here to read the paper by Juergen Zattler.
Archipelago webinar: VETOOLBOX Technical assistance - 17 March 2021 (online event)
[FR] Un Enseignement et une Formation Professionnels (EFP) qui répondent aux besoins des employeurs et ne laissent personne de coté? Vous pouvez obtenir un soutien pour y parvenir!
Ce séminaire est un événement en ligne organisé par le programme ARCHIPELAGO et VET Toolbox . L’hébergement du séminaire sur la plateforme Zoom est assurée par EUROCHAMBRES, partenaire au sein du consortium du programme ARCHIPELAGO. En vous inscrivant à cet événement, vous consentez à ce que vos données personnelles, comme indiqué dans le formulaire d'inscription, soient collectées, traitées et stockées conformément à la législation applicable et à la politique de confidentialité. Vous autorisez également l'organisateur à transférer les données vers l'Union européenne en cas d'activités cofinancées.
EU Industry Days 2021 - March 2021 (online event)
EU Industry Days is Europe's flagship annual event on industry. It serves as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners.
It also helps to ensure that our policy at European, national, regional and local levels works together to enable European industry to deliver jobs, growth, and innovation in Europe.
The next edition will take place in the week of 23-26 February 2021. It happens in a very special moment, when our industry is embarking upon green and digital transformation, opening up new opportunities for EU businesses and citizens.
Local events are taking place across the EU and beyond as part of EU Industry Week 2021until the end of March 2021.
Workshops, seminars, open door sessions and business presentations will demonstrate how European industrial ecosystems are
- shaping Europe's digital future
- making Europe’s industry climate-neutral by 2050
- EU competitiveness in the changing global competitive landscape
Accès au financement pour les TPME de la région du Sahel et Lac Tchad - 15 February 2021 (online event)
Accès au financement pour les TPME de la région du Sahel et Lac Tchad
Séminaire en ligne le 15 February 2021 de 15h à 17h30.
Objectif du séminaire: ARCHIPELAGO & son réseau de structures d´accompagnement des entreprises (chambres, patronats, associations sectorielles)
Access to finance for MSMEs in the Sahel and Chad Lake region
Objective of the workshop: ARCHIPELAGO network of business support organizations (chambers, employers' organizations, sector associations)
Together Towards Better Resource Deals - 25 January 2021 (online event)
Introducing the EU-CONNEX Partnership
The CONNEX Initiative ( provides support to governments of developing countries in complex resource contract negotiations. This allows for informed decisions, better deals and long-lasting partnerships with the investor.
The resource sector offers great potential for economic development. Resource contracts are a crucial factor to assure that benefits can be realised. In many cases though, capacity and experiences asymmetries result in unfair deals with disadvantages for the host country,
Upon demand, the CONNEX initially successfully offers multi-disciplinary, high-quality and ad hoc support to our partner countries all over the globe. Providing for negotiations on a level playing field, it can support Governments to maximise the developmental impact of its resource abundance.
The European Union just joined CONNEX as a strong partner. This engagement directly feeds into our efforts to boost investment in partner countries and the work for a more transparent and sustainable resource sector.
A Stronger Alliance: Enhancing Resilience, Peace, and Security in the Africa-EU Partnership - 20 January 2021 (online event)
As Africa and Europe seek to re-set their partnership, Friends of Europe is engaging with our partners across both continents to understand the long-term vision and the converging and diverging priorities at the heart of this new cooperation.
Africa and Europe have a shared interest and much to gain from one another in accelerating the progress of the global agenda for sustainable development and peace, whilst working together to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through its “Debating Africa-EU” series, Friends of Europe is focused on engaging its partners and the new EU College of Commissioners around their vision and priorities for EU-Africa cooperation. In response to the Joint Communication Towards a comprehensive Strategy with Africa, this series serves as a consultative exercise for key stakeholders and partners from both continents to voice their perspectives on the future of the relationship. Following the first six in the series, the seventh ‘In Conversation With’ takes place on the 20th of January 2021 with Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management; Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative and Vice-President for A Stronger Europe in the World; and H.E. Amb. Abdoulaye Diop, Chief of Staff of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The strategic focus of the discussion will be on “A Stronger Alliance: Enhancing Resilience, Peace, and Security in the Africa-EU Partnership”.