The European Business Council for Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic created major challenges for resource rich countries. Oil and gas producers faced a major downturn in revenues and major mining operations ceased production. Even though commodity prices, especially for strategic minerals, have since bounced back, these trends had an adverse impact on public expenditures at a time that spending needs in response to the health and economic crisis were acute. The EITI, with its focus on maximising the value of a country’s natural resources for all citizens for all 55 members, is seeking to enhance the relevance of reporting by governments and companies to contribute to informed public debate and policy decisions on the use of revenues from these resources. Reconciling energy access with the imperative towards a low carbon energy transition will be a major challenge for EITI implementing countries going forward and this calls for innovative responses in a post-COVID world. Mark Robinson will set out the strategic priorities for the EITI in the post-COVID world, while Mdm. Coll-Seck will share the insights on the value of the EITI to implementing countries in Africa.


Marjeta Jager 
Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission 
Mark Robinson 
Executive Director, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) 
Awa Marie Coll-Seck 
Minister of State, Government of Senegal
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