The European Business Council for Africa

Join the Africa Europe Foundation this Friday, the 17th December from 8h00-9h30 (CET) for the debate on "Addressing health workforce challenges in a changing health landscape" which will be organised as a side event to the First International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA).

Confirmed speakers include:

Agnes Binagwaho, Vice Chancellor, University of Global Health Equity and co-chair of the health strategy group, Georgina Yeboah, Executive Director AFREHEALTH , Howard Catton, CEO, International Council of Nurses, Youssef Travaly, Senior Fellow for Digital, Africa Europe Foundation and Janet Muriuki, Health Workforce Director, IntraHealth International.

This satellite meeting will explore the issues of clinical and non-clinical workforce planning, brain drain and supporting the rapid start-up of manufacturing of pharmaceutical and medical products in Africa.

This is the first edition of what will be a regular "International Conference on Public Health in Africa", and we see this as an important strategic opportunity for the Africa Europe Foundation to engage.


Please register here.