Informal Meeting of Development Ministers - 29 September 2020 (online event)
Within the framework of the German EU Council Presidency, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, will host an informal meeting of EU Development Ministers on 29 September. One important topic will be the EU’s future relations with our neighbouring continent - Africa. The meeting will also serve to prepare the Formal Meeting of EU Development Ministers in November. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will take place virtually.
EU and Germany join efforts to support the African Union's response to coronavirus
The EU continues to work with Member States to tackle the coronavirus pandemic on all fronts. Today, 500.000 additional coronavirus testing kits have been provided to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The test kits were delivered by an EU Humanitarian Air Bridge flight and are part of a €10 million immediate support package to the African Union (AU) by the German Government in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In total, almost 1.4 million tests for the extraction and the detection of the virus will be made available to African Union countries.
Joint declaration of the members of the European Council with the Member States of the G5 Sahel
The members of the European Council and the Member States of the G5 Sahel, through the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission on the one hand, and the Presidents of the G5 Sahel countries on the other hand, have decided to adopt this declaration in order to reaffirm their joint commitment to the security, stability and development of the Sahel.
This commitment will drive engagement at regional and international level in close cooperation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Chair of the African Union Commission and the current Chair of the Economic Community of West African States, who play a crucial role in the efforts of the international community in support of the Sahel.
Read the full joint declaration here.
République centrafricaine: Le Haut Représentant/Vice-président Borrell s’entretient avec le Président Touadéra
Le Haut Représentant de l’Union pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité et Vice-président de la Commission, Josep Borrell, a eu un entretien téléphonique avec le Président de la République centrafricaine, Faustin Archange Touadéra, ce mardi 28 avril 2020.
A cette occasion, le Haut Représentant a réaffirmé le soutien de l’Union européenne à la République centrafricaine, en particulier dans cette phase de lutte contre la pandémie du coronavirus. Le Haut Représentant a confirmé que l'Union européenne organisera prochainement, en collaboration avec la France, un pont aérien humanitaire pour le transport de matériel sanitaire nécessaire à la riposte à la pandémie. Le Haut Représentant a par ailleurs souligné l’importance de lutter contre la désinformation et la stigmatisation liées à la pandémie. L’Union européenne restera également vigilante face à ceux qui seraient tentés de profiter de la situation pour entraver le processus de stabilisation en République centrafricaine.
A cet égard, le Haut représentant a rappelé le soutien de l’Union européenne à l’organisation des prochains scrutins présidentiel et législatif prévus pour la fin de l’année. Ces élections constituent une étape essentielle dans le processus de démocratisation, de réconciliation et de paix du pays. Le soutien financier de l’Union européenne au processus électoral s’élève déjà à € 17,5 millions.
Le Haut Représentant Borrell a rappelé la nécessité d'accélérer la mise en œuvre de l’Accord politique de paix et de réconciliation malgré les circonstances actuelles. Il a appelé à la poursuite du dialogue entre tous les acteurs et au respect des engagements pris par les parties. Le Haut Représentant a réitéré l’engagement résolu de l’Union européenne en soutien à ce processus, en étroite coordination avec ses partenaires, en particulier les Nations Unies et l’Union africaine.
L’entretien a permis de réaffirmer la solidité du partenariat entre l’Union européenne et la République centrafricaine.
Source: European External Action Service
European Union External Action - Asia and Europe: Together for effective multilateralism
Asia and Europe: Together for effective multilateralism
At the beginning of this week, I had the honour of chairing in my capacity as High Representative the ASEM, the “Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers Meeting”. What might seem to be a rather bureaucratic acronym, actually is a politically highly relevant event for our continents.
Read the whole article here
EUCAP Sahel Mali: mission extended until 14 January 2021
Today the Council extended the mandate of the EU mission EUCAP Sahel Mali until 14 January 2021 and allocated it a budget of almost €67 million for this period.
The EUCAP Sahel Mali civilian mission assists and advises Mali's internal security forces as they implement the reform in the security sector laid down by the government. It provides training and strategic advice to the Malian police, gendarmerie and national guard, and to relevant ministries.
As part of the regionalisation of CSDP missions in the Sahel, the EUCAP Sahel Mali mission will now be able to deliver specific, targeted strategic advice and training in Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad, as set out in its revised operational plan (18 December 2018).
EUCAP Sahel Mali was launched on 15 April 2014. Since 1 October 2017 the head of mission has been Philippe Rio, a high-ranking officer in the French gendarmerie. The headquarters of the mission are located in Bamako, Mali, and from 1 March 2019 it will have up to 144 international agents and 65 local agents.
There are two other CSDP missions under way in the region: EUTM Mali, which contributes to the restructuring and reorganisation of the Malian armed forces through training and advice, and EUCAP Sahel Niger, which supports the fight against organised crime and terrorism in Niger.
The decision was adopted by written procedure.
EU deploys an Election Observation Mission to Senegal
At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal, the EU has deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) for the presidential election that will take place on 24 February 2019.
Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, has appointed Elena Valenciano, Member of the European Parliament, as Chief Observer.
On the occasion, High Representative / Vice President Federica Mogherini said: "The European Union is committed to supporting Senegal in consolidating its democratic institutions. I am confident that the assessment by our European Election Observation Mission under the leadership of Elena Valenciano will make an important contribution not only to the upcoming elections but also to future elections in the framework of our close and continued dialogue and partnership with Senegal."
Elena Valenciano added, "Deploying this Election Observation Mission demonstrates the strength of the EU-Senegal partnership and the importance of our common work in consolidating democracy and good governance. It also represents the continuity of our contribution to the observation of the previous Senegalese presidential electoral process held in 2012."
A core team of nine electoral analysts has arrived in Dakar on 15 January 2019. A total of 56 long-term observers will be deployed in the country. On the day of the vote, the EOM will have a total of more than 100 observers from various EU Members States, Switzerland and Norway. The Mission will analyse all stages of the electoral process.
The EU EOM operates in a fully independent and neutral manner.
Read more
Opening speech by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the 1st annual African Union-European Union Ministerial Meeting
Bonjour et merci tout d'abord pour votre présence ici.
Un an après notre Sommet [Union africaine-Union européenne] d’Abidjan, nous nous retrouvons encore tous ensemble et démontrons à nouveau l’importance que nous accordons à notre partenariat et notre détermination à rapprocher nos deux continents.
Comme l’a dit Moussa Faki devant le Parlement européen, pendant sa visite à Strasbourg, je cite: « Nos cultures et nos civilisations (sont) différentes dans leurs spiritualités et dogmes structurants, mais (ils sont) complémentaires dans leur humanisme et leur essentielle et impérissable inclination à la liberté ».
Dans le monde compliqué d'aujourd'hui, l'Europe et l'Afrique sont plus proches que jamais.
Foreign Affairs Council - Africa - Europe alliance
The Council exchanged views on the Africa - Europe alliance for sustainable investment and jobs. The discussion took place less than a month before the high-level Africa-Europe forum (Vienna, 17-18 December) and the EU-AU ministerial meeting (21-22 January 2019).
Ministers expressed their support for the initiative and its four strands of action: improving the investment climate, de-risking, strengthening support for skills and education, and supporting economic integration and market-building. They discussed ways in which member states can be actively involved in this new Africa - Europe alliance and the importance of securing coordination and coherence on the ground.
As the EU remains Africa's main partner, ministers highlighted the need to ensure that both African and European stakeholders are more aware of the close relationship between the two continents.
EIB: Council approves extra €3.7 billion to address migration issues
The Council has given the go-ahead to increased lending by the European Investment Bank to projects outside the EU that address migration issues.
It adopted the decision and regulation on 27 February 2018, following an agreement with the European Parliament on a mid-term review of the EIB's mandate for 'external' lending.
In total, the financing limit under an EU guarantee is increased by €5.3 billion. Of this, €3.7 billion are earmarked for projects in the public and private sectors providing a strategic response to the root causes of migration.