Africa Outlook
Date: Monday, 31 January 2022 13:00 - 14:00
Africa is a diverse continent, with the world’s largest free trade area it could set itself on a new development path, harnessing its potential of resources and growing population. Africa has endured significant economic downturn as a result of the pandemic, but it has risen from recession in 2021 and recovery is expected in 2022. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the risks associated with future waves of infection remain a concern, especially with the continent’s low vaccination rate. Business continuity, investment and revenue-generation prospects may be impaired by successive waves of infection with countries being on lockdown which is further hindered by prolonged international travel restrictions.
The commodity boom will continue to flourish which bodes well for the energy, metals, materials and agriculture sectors. Effective skills development and investment into infrastructure is critical for digital transformation on the continent. Exchange rate pressure and external debt repayments call for constructive debt restructuring measures and better strategic positioning for international investors.
North Africa Outlook 2022
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2022 12:30 - 14:30 (London)
North Africa was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly those countries with a large tourism industry and strong service sector. Oil economies also suffered from falling prices as the global downtown trickled into domestic budgets. With access to vaccines, oil prices have recovered and travel has returned, setting the region up for a return to growth in 2022. Egypt, which fared relatively well through 2020 and 2021, is set for the strongest growth at 4.9%. Morocco, meanwhile, has received support from the African Development Bank to shore up its own recovery. Nonetheless, the region’s route to recovery remains uncertain as the Omicron variant has cast a shadow over the global economy and high levels of public debt squeezing the fiscal space available for economic stimulus.
Southern Africa Outlook 2022
Date: Tuesday, 18 January 2022 12:30 - 14:30 (London)
The economic recovery for Southern Africa in 2022 hinges on how COVID-19 evolves, vaccination rollouts and the policies that countries adopt. The impact of the pandemic has been severe, causing disruption to countries that depend on tourism, reduction in commodity exports and job losses, in a region that already has high unemployment rates.
However, countries in the region are continuing to weather the storm and Southern Africa is projected to grow by over 2% in 2022 (AfDB, 2021). This will not make up for the estimated 6.3% contraction in 2020, and slow growth in South Africa, the region’s largest economy, has reduced positive externalities for neighbouring countries.
Individual countries in the region have shown a mixed response to the pandemic and are on different growth trajectories. Lack of economic diversity is another vulnerability and commodities play an oversized role in many of the region’s economies, such as Angola, Mozambique and Zambia. Zimbabwe remains the most volatile nation politically and is plagued by hyperinflation. Conversely, Namibia is set to grow by 6.4% in primary industrial output and Angola is expected to come to the end of a long economic recession during 2022, in line with changing monetary and fiscal policies, combined with new oil regulations. Zambia’s change in government was well received by the private sector.
West Africa Outlook 2022
Date: Wednesday, 12 January 202 12:30 14:30 (London)
West Africa is projected to grow at a steady rate for the 2022 fiscal year. Nigeria’s economy is set to rebound following a recession in 2020 due to the fall in demand and subsequent fall in oil prices as a result of the pandemic, whilst the country’s GDP is set to grow by 2.9% with an increase per capita of 0.4% of GDP. Inflation is set to drop to 11% with both current accounts and budget balance as a percentage of GDP improving. Ghana, the other regional powerhouse, remains in a position whereby fiscal and debt risk will undermine its economic credibility. 2022 is set to see GDP growth rates of 4.1% coming off the back of 2 years of recession and high spending in relation to tax intake from the government. GDP per capita is set to rise by 2.0% with inflation stagnating at an overall average of 8.0% for all quarters of 2022. However, Ghana’s foreign currency debt is set to rise to over 70% of GDP. The Gambia, as well as, Sierra Leone are set to grow by approximately 5-6% respectively, whilst GDP per capita is set to increase by 2.3%. Additionally, due to high levels of expenditure as a result of COVID-19, as well as high rates of foreign currency debt and deteriorating exchange rates, both Ghana and Sierra are set to see a sharp rise in national debt as a per cent of the annual GDP. On the whole, West Africa is set to grow at a slower rate that the rest of the continent, however, all are projected relative growth following increased levels of public debt as a fallout from the pandemic.
8th German-African Agribusiness Forum
Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) and GAA – German Agribusiness Alliance are pleased to invite you to the 8th German-African Agribusiness Forum "Blueprints for Successful Agriculture in Africa" on January 20th, 2022.
The agriculture sector also coined as the primary sector is the most essential of many African economies – the Covid-19 pandemic has proven that once more.
Disruptions in the agriculture values chains leading to surging food prices and shortages result in consequences which hit people most directly. While the demand in other sectors crumbled, the agriculture sector proofed to be the most resilient one. This does not only show us the importance of agriculture in Africa but also its potential for successful investments.
Strengthening Health Security and Resilience in Africa: The Continuing Critical Role of the Private Sector
On Wednesday the 9th of December, between 09h00 and 10h00 (EST), the Corporate Council on Africa invites you to attend its online event on strengthening health security and resilience in Africa and the continuing critical role of the private sector.
Recognizing the need for the private sector's role in strengthening Africa's health systems broadly and the response to COVID-19 specifically, CCA launched the U.S.-Africa Health Security and Resilience Initiative (HSRI) in December 2020. In its first year, HSRI task force members have brought together U.S. and African leaders from government, the private sector, and multilateral organizations to drive increased trade and investment in Africa's health sector as well as highlight private sector solutions to pandemic related challenges and longer-term issues impacting health service delivery in Africa.
Analyse et opportunités économiques de la République de Djibouti
Date: Mardi 7 Décembre
Webinaire Zoom à 9h00 (CET)
Le Monaco Economic Board, en collaboration avec le Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique (CEMA), organise un nouveau MEBinaire "Collection CEMA".
Ce quatrième volet sera consacré à la République de Djibouti, pays de la Corne de l'Afrique comptant environ 1 million d'habitants. Depuis l'inauguration du terminal conteneurs de Dolerah et du terminal pétrolier en 2010, les activités portuaires sont devenues l'un si ce n'est le secteur porteur du pays grâce à son emplacement stratégique exceptionnel sur l'une des routes maritimes les plus fréquentées du monde. Pour assurer la sécurité des transports commerciaux, Djibouti abrite des bases militaires française, américaine, japonaise, chinoise, italienne et de l'OTAN, gages d'une stabilité favorable au développement des affaires.
Strengthening Health Security and Resilience in Africa: The Continuing Critical Role of the Private Sector
Corporate Council on Africa is organizing its U.S.-Africa Health Security and Resilience Initiative Anniversary Event on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am EST.
Recognizing the need for the private sector’s role in strengthening Africa’s health systems broadly and the response to COVID-19 specifically, CCA launched the U.S.-Africa Health Security and Resilience Initiative (HSRI) in December 2020. In its first year, HSRI task force members have brought together U.S. and African leaders from government, the private sector, and multilateral organizations to drive increased trade and investment in Africa’s health sector as well as highlight private sector solutions to pandemic related challenges and longer-term issues impacting health service delivery in Africa.
Period poverty? How menstruation products can empower women in Africa
Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH within the framework of Invest for Jobs cordially invite you to
Period poverty? How menstruation products can empower women in Africa
The Digital Session takes place on December 9th, 2021 (11.00 am - 12.00 pm CET).
Commission Digital - "La Blockchain : nouvel eldorado de l’Afrique ?"
Date : 09 Déc. 2021
Horaires :
Accueil dès 17h30 à la Vie du Rail (29 rue de Clichy, Paris 75009)
Webinaire Zoom de 18h00 à 19h30 (Paris CEST)
Contre toute attente, depuis 3 ans la blockchain s’épanouit en Afrique. Les cas d’usages sont de plus en plus nombreux et ce succès n’est pas sans rappeler le saut numérique réalisé par le continent il y a 15 ans avec le paiement mobile. Dans un continent où les tiers de confiance peuvent faire défaut, la blockchain peut apporter des réponses concrètes.
Pour tous ceux qui, comme nous, n’ont pas encore tout compris du fonctionnement de la blockchain et de son utilité, l’équipe du CIAN a souhaité réunir un panel de spécialistes avec la mission d’en donner une explication accessible et la description des principaux usages.