Development challenges and opportunities facing Africa’s mineral sector - 25 February 2021 (online event)
The African Development Bank’s African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) and African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) will join the Nordic Africa Institute in hosting a webinar titled, Minerals and Africa’s Development: Challenges and Opportunities.
The webinar is part of an ongoing series on Africa’s COVID-19 response and the Extractives Sector that is exploring the role of the extractives sector in supporting the continent’s development and post COVID-19 recovery.
This session will delve deeply into key issues discussed in the International Study Group (ISG) Report on Minerals and Africa’s Development and the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) and their relevance in contemporary times, and identify practical measures to ensure the sector can strengthen Africa’s resilience and sustainable growth during and beyond the pandemic.
Fintech & Nigeria: Harnessing Nigeria's Fintech Potential - 11 February 2021 (online event)
Banking in Nigeria remains an attractive sector, with over $9 billion in value pools. Although financial penetration remains low across the country, approximately 40% of the country, fintech provides a unique opportunity to service payments, short-term loans, savings and pension products to the entire community. Despite the growing competition within the fintech environment in Nigeria, it still accounts for under 2% of banking revenue. As the world moves towards a cashless economy, driven by the Covid crisis, fintech offers inclusive access to the entire population
Join our exclusive webinar, at 1PM (GMT)/ 2PM (WAT) focusing on the fintech industry in Nigeria and its potential in the coming years. Meet the panel.
Preparing for the next pandemic: A conversation with Africa CDC Director John Nkengasong - 12 February 2021 (online event)
Initial dire predictions around the spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa have not come to pass. The fragility of many of Africa’s health systems—including underfunded hospitals, low doctor-to-patient ratios, high disease burdens, and gaps in access to vital pharmaceuticals and medical supplies such as ventilators—at first portended devastating outcomes for Africa’s citizens. So far, though, Africa has not been hit as hard as other regions of the world, partly due to efforts at the continental, national, and even individual levels of citizens who responded expeditiously to the lockdown and other measures. Then again, the continent is not yet out of the woods when it comes to the pandemic, especially as new, more infectious variants spread around the world.
Importantly, and unfortunately, COVID-19 will also likely not be the last pandemic, and Africa’s outcomes next time could very well be different. Lingering gaps in access to care (including medical staff and supplies), growing antibiotic resistance, increased incidence of noncommunicable diseases, and low levels of human development will continue to complicate Africa’s efforts to protect and improve the health of its citizens. With these obstacles in mind, how might and should Africa and its global partners improve their responses to current and future threats? What lessons have we learned from COVID-19, Ebola, and other endemic diseases that policymakers and implementers can apply going forward?
From Africa to the United States: Recommendations for the Biden Administration - 12 February 2021 (online event)
A constructive policy starts with open dialogue and mutual understanding. The CSIS Africa Program in collaboration with three leading African think tanks invites you to join us for an engaging discussion on the future of U.S.-Africa relations under the Biden administration.
Experts from the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) in Nigeria, the Institute for Global Dialogue, and the African Center for the Study of the United States (ACSUS) at Wits University in South Africa will share recommendations and counsel against replicating past U.S. policy mistakes. This event presents an opportunity to understand—from an African perspective—what expectations Africans have for the new U.S. administration. Panelists will recommend priorities for short- and long-term U.S. engagement, identifying key critical policy priorities and specific challenges in West, East, and southern Africa.
Africa Economic Outlook 2021 - 09 February 2021 (online event)
CCA is delighted to host Dr. Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Dr. Albert Zeufack, Chief Economist for Africa, World Bank Group who will offer their expert views on Africa's economic outlook in 2021 with a focus on key trade, investment, and business trends and challenges as countries implement post-COVID-19 economic recovery strategies.
Consultation with Nigerian stakeholders on 2021-2025 Private Sector Development Strategy - 2-3 February 2021 (online event)
The African Development Bank Group will hold a two-day virtual consultation with Nigerian stakeholders to discuss its proposed 2021-2025 Private Sector Development Strategy (PSDS).
The consultations target key stakeholders in the public and private sectors, development partners and private sector investors. The objective is to incorporate these groups’ perspectives into the design of the PSDS and ensure consistency with Regional Member Countries’ (RMCs) development and strategic priorities.
The PSDS will support private sector-led growth, poverty eradication, socio-economic inclusion, foster job creation, and build resilience and long-term sustainability in RMCs.
The outcome of the discussions will enrich and inform the Private Sector Development Strategy and strategically position the Bank to effectively provide support to RMCs by leveraging its comparative advantage and optimizing partnerships.
20th International Economic Forum on Africa - 22 February 2021 (online event)
La récession économique mondiale provoquée par le COVID-19 frappe durement les pays africains. En 2020, 41 économies africaines ont connu une baisse de leur produit intérieur brut (PIB). Le moment est venu de prendre des mesures audacieuses et coordonnées.
Au-delà de la diversité des situations nationales, cette crise a indéniablement pointé deux obstacles majeurs auxquels les stratégies post-COVID doivent s'attaquer pour enclencher en Afrique un nouveau cycle de croissance durable : la dépendance à l’égard des marchés extérieurs et l'incapacité des secteurs économiques formels à créer suffisamment d'emplois de qualité.
La Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), tout juste entrée en vigueur, est l’occasion d’accélérer la transformation productive, de créer des chaînes de valeur régionales et de stimuler l'intégration continentale. Sa mise en œuvre effective dépend toutefois de la capacité des économies africaines à dégager les marges de manœuvre budgétaires suffisantes et à stimuler les investissements privés dans des infrastructures de qualité et des projets durables.
Responsible Business 2021 - 22 February 2021 to 23 February 2021 (online event)
A business blueprint for the new normal
The 2021 Responsible Business LIVE conference comes at a time when the private sector is at its most critical juncture and has a leading role to play in facilitating a resilient and sustainable recovery in 2021 that considers purpose as well as profit.
This two-day conference is part of our virtual LIVE series which connects international audiences and enables participants to engage in high-level panel discussions. Designed to provide a highly engaging online experience, key features include 1:1 networking, polling, Q&A with expert speakers and a live analysis of the results.
Future of African Banking: Building a digital-first Bank - 28 January 2021 (online event)
Navigating the digital transformation road-map
The speed at which banks are embracing the potential offered by technological change varies considerably but there appears to be only one direction of travel.
Part of its Future of African Banking series, the "Building a Digital-First Bank" will present attendees an insightful conversation hosted by African Banker's Group Publisher Omar Ben Yedder with Terence Sibiya, Group Managing Executive of Nedbank, and Jouk Pleiter, CEO of Backbase.
The event is expected to last 30 minutes and will seek to demystify the key elements to a successful digital transformation strategy. In addition, participants will receive a free copy of the Africa Digital Banking Transformation Report, which outlines best practices in digital transformation strategies and nurturing a culture of innovation.
Infrastructure Development and Investment Opportunities in Africa - 10 February 2021 (online event)
Infrastructure development is a key driver for progress across the African continent and a critical enabler for productivity and sustainable economic growth. Investment in infrastructure accounts for over half of the recent improvement in economic growth in Africa and has the potential to achieve even more. Africa’s vast infrastructure deficit is a constraint on its growth, but also an opportunity to leapfrog to new, more efficient technologies.
Join us for the Virtual SSCG Africa Infrastructure Forum panel discussion on Infrastructure Development Projects, Trade, Investment and Partnership Opportunities in Africa on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 between 09:00 - 12:00 GMT to hear and learn from our industry leaders and experts.