Tech-Skills for Sustainable Water Management and Youth Employment in Africa - 8 December 2020 (online event)
WTO to host first Trade for Peace Week - 30 November to 4 December 2020 (online event)
The WTO will host the first edition of the Trade for Peace Week from 30 November to 4 December 2020. Ten virtual panel sessions will explore the nexus between trade and peace, with the focus on fragile and conflict-affected countries in accession which want to use trade and economic integration to promote sustainable and inclusive peace.
In announcing the Trade for Peace Week, Deputy Director-General Alan Wolff noted: “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes international trade as an engine for inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction that contributes to the promotion of sustainable development. This in turn can facilitate building and maintaining peace. The connection between trade and peace is the raison d'être for the creation of the rules-based multilateral trading system that led to economic recovery and prosperity after the devastation from World War II.”
Tour de France pour l'entrepreneuriat de la diversité et des diasporas - 17 décembre 2020 (online event)
Après les événements de Bordeaux, Lyon et Marseille, le Conseil Présidentiel pour l'Afrique vous invite à sa 4ème conférence-débat sur l’entrepreneuriat de la diversité et des diasporas. Cette édition permettra de présenter les recommandations qui seront remises à l’Élysée pour soutenir les entrepreneurs.
L'événement sera diffusé en ligne. Abonnez-vous à nos pages LinkedIn, Twitter et Facebook et à notre newsletter pour recevoir le lien de diffusion. Vous pourrez également y suivre nos travaux et nous partager vos réactions. #OuvronsLeDébat
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds - 2-4 December 2020 ( online event)
Online conference starting with special opening event on 2-4 December2020. Closing activity of the 2020 Year of Leiden African Studies Assembly
In recent years, Africa’s universities, research institutions and other knowledge agencies have undergone tremendous change. Growing demand for scientific forms of knowledge and for higher education has pushed many of them to expand rapidly and to show a combination of daring initiatives and institutional, scientific, and educational creativity. New knowledge organizations have also been established, for example, with ties to religious groups or to the private sector. ‘Decolonizing the academy’ has become a strong call within and outside the continent. Eurocentrism is increasingly questioned, while calls for ‘looking East’ and ‘looking inside Africa’ are gaining momentum.
Global partnership for African development Virtual Forum 27 & 28 November 2020 (Online event)
About The Event
Africa has the world’s largest population of young people. By 2030, 20% of the global labour force and approximately 33% of the global youth labour force, are projected to come from Africa. Whereas about 12 million young Africans enter the labour market every year, only 3 million jobs are created in the formal sector. The informal sector provides 85.8% of the total African employment, which absorbs 95% of the youth. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a hard blow on the African economy as it has done in other parts of the world. Reports show that this trend is set to worsen as in the first months of the crisis, the income of workers in Africa's informal sector dropped by 81%.
UK-Kenya Global Health Partnerships for Resilient Health Systems - 02 December 2020 ( Hybrid event)
In many ways, UK's National Health Service (NHS), private health care organisations, Pharmaceutical Companies, Royal Medical Colleges, MedTech Start-ups and SMEs engaged in the healthcare global supply chains, are the envy of many countries globally. Subsequent to various initiatives, Britain continues to offer structural support aimed at enhancing the resilience of healthcare systems globally.
Inaugural to the Annual Africa Health Summit to be held between 8-11 June 2021 at the Royal College of General Practitioners, Euston, London, and in partnership with the Kenyan Government, UK's Department For International Trade (DIT), UK Export Finance (UKEF) and Health Education England (HEE), we are are delighted to invite you to the "UK-Kenya Global Health Partnerships for Resilient Health Systems".
This Symposium on Health will showcase UK's role and initiatives in Global Health, particularly Kenya, as well as provide a unique opportunity for UK and Kenyan counterparts to share best practices, address some of the most critical healthcare needs and challenges, and to learn more about growing avenues of partnerships and investments in the healthcare space both in UK and Kenya.
Quality & Standards in the context of post-Covid recovery of African economies - 19 november 2020 (online event)
Our world is currently being shaped by significant changes, from the global COVID-19 pandemic to the recent digital transformations in the context of Industry 4.0. Africa and its major value chains will also need to adapt to the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. In order to mitigate their effects and ensure they lead to sustainable and inclusive development, quality and standards are more than ever needed.
Besides the negative consequences of COVID-19, the main economic challenges in many African countries include limited competitiveness of enterprises and the need for better value-chain integration at regional and national levels in order to scale-up sustainable structural transformation. To compete in export markets, African countries need to work towards increasing the volume and range of the products they sell and export while complying with the increasingly stringent market requirements on product quality, safety, health and environmental impact. Standardization along the value chain enables reduction in production and transaction costs, increased quality and market opportunities, competitive positioning and an improved management of risks.
“Debating Africa-EU” series - Sustainable jobs & growth: a Partnership for A New Era - 19 november 2020 (online event)
As Africa and Europe seek to re-set their partnership, Friends of Europe is engaging with our partners across both continents to understand the long-term vision and the converging and diverging priorities at the heart of this new cooperation.
Africa and Europe have a shared interest and much to gain from one another in accelerating the progress of the global agenda for sustainable development, whilst working together to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through its “Debating Africa-EU” series, Friends of Europe is focused on engaging its partners and the new EU College of Commissioners around their vision and priorities for EU-Africa cooperation. In response to the Joint Communication Towards a comprehensive Strategy with Africa, this series serves as a consultative exercise for key stakeholders and partners from both continents to voice their perspectives on the future of the relationship.
les conditions de travail au sein des entreprises africaines dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID19. - 24 novembre 2020 (online event)
Après un premier webinaire organisé le 2 juillet 2020 avec ITC (International Trade Center) sur l’impact de la pandémie mondiale du COVID19 sur les entreprises africaines, la CPCCAF organise un nouveau webinaire, le 24 novembre 2020 (via GoToMeeting), avec l’OIM (Office international des migrations), l’OIT (Organisation internationale du travail) et la FEWACCI (Fédération des CCI d’Afrique de l’Ouest) sur les conditions de travail au sein des entreprises africaines dans le contexte persistant de la crise sanitaire du COVID19.
Différentes problématiques y seront abordées, parmi lesquelles : l’accès aux outils numériques ; l’absence des salariés et la réorganisation du travail… et également les conditions de travail des migrants dans le présent contexte de crise.
Think Africa Week - Our Power to Empower: A youth-focused event - 20 November 2020 (online event)
Think Africa in collaboration with Ubuntu Film Club and OPAD are organising an exciting and empowering event for youths of African background living in Finland. The event through film and discussions provides a safe space for youths to share their views of Africa, their identity and experiences in Finland, and their wishes and role in Africa’s development.
Target audience is youths between the ages 16 - 25, but all interested are welcome to attend.
Registered participants will enter a raffle to win a nice surprise :)
This event serves as the Launch event for Think Africa’s youth-focused program for 2021, which will provide a space and set of activities that will create cultural awareness, address identity related issues and provide a supporting platform where participants can share their stories, challenges, build skills, and have access to mentorship and role models.