G-CoP policy dialogue on leveraging the African Diaspora for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa
Who: The Global Community of Practice (G-COP) policy dialogue of the African Development Bank Group; the African Union Commission; the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, and partner institutions and African Diaspora Organizations.
When: 01 December 2022, 12:00-17:00 GMT (Western Hemisphere audiences); and 02 December 2022, 07:00-10:00 GMT (for Eastern Hemisphere audiences).
Where: Virtual
The African Development Institute of the African Development Bank Group and the African Union Commission will hold a dialogue titled Leveraging the African Diaspora for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa on 01 December 2022 from 12:00-17:00 GMT. The program will be repeated on 2 December from 08:00- 13:00 GMT for audiences in the Eastern hemisphere.
Dr Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank Group, will make a keynote statement. Mr António Vitorino, Director General of the International Organisation of Migration; Mr Wamkele Mene, Secretary General of the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat; and Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission will also speak.
The event will feature several panel discussions involving leaders and representatives of African diaspora organizations. Themes to be discussed include the securitisation of remittances, diaspora bonds, trade and investment promotion, research, innovation, knowledge, and technology sharing, and brain circulation.
Roundtable on Engaging African SMEs in Corruption Prevention
5 December 2022, 11:30 – 13:00 GMT
The African Development Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are pleased to invite you to a virtual Regional Business Integrity Roundtable on Engaging African SMEs in preventing corruption.
Organised under the framework of the OECD African Development Bank Joint Initiative to Support Business Integrity and Anti-bribery Efforts in Africa, the Roundtable looks ahead to the forthcoming OECD Toolkit to raise awareness and prevent corruption in SMEs. The event will feature discussion of how stakeholders across the region can more effectively engage African SMEs in the fight against corruption.
UIA Associations Round Table Europe, 2022
24 and 25 November 2022
Rotterdam, Netherlands
The UIA Round Tables provide an opportunity to learn through networking and through practice, to meet other international associations and share experience and knowledge to help you run your organization better.
- presentations on common challenges by peers working in international associations and by experts
- discussions in workshops and break-out rooms with the chance to ask in-depth questions and to share and exchange knowledge and experience
- UIA team members will moderate the sessions throughout, guiding and assisting the delegates
- networking breaks, lunches, dinner
- three exciting tours to discover Rotterdam
Africa-Europe: what progress towards stronger economic cooperation?
9 November 2022
From 5.00PM to 19.00PM
Paris, France
The European Union is the leading economic partner of the African continent and the entity that makes the most commitments to Africa - often at the initiative of France.
The VIth MONTHLY CONFERENCE OF AFRICAN AMBASSADORS IN PARIS (CMAAP 6) proposes to take stock of recent progress.
It is not often said, but Europe remains by far the first partner of Africa in many fields: investment, development, trade, university, health - 450 million vaccines distributed to Africa, against only 150 million by China... contrary to some propaganda.
It is also the partner of the Continent that is most involved in the prospects for co-construction of the future.
Thus, faced with the scale of the post-Covid economic crisis, aggravated by the Russian war in Ukraine, Europe has aligned itself with the French initiative to transfer 100 billion SDRs (IMF special drawing rights) for the benefit of Africa. Equally "huge": the Global Gateway project, through which the European Union intends to mobilise 150 billion euros of investment for Africa by 2027.
Digitalization: A Backbone for Regulatory Harmonization and Health Systems Strengthening in Africa
The establishment of the African Medicines Agency in November 2021 is an important opportunity for Africa to leapfrog other regions and become one of the most efficient and modern regulatory systems in the world. This opportunity can rapidly transform into reality, by using the experience gained from a decade of harmonization activities in the continent, learnings gained during the pandemic and the swift implementation of modern and innovative solutions.
4th German-African Business Summit (GABS)
6-8 December 2022
Sandton Convention Centre
Johannesburg, South Africa
The 4th GABS will take place from 6-8 December in Johannesburg where German and African business interests meet, where economic partnerships between Germany and Sub-Saharan Africa are strengthened, and where business trends and market opportunities are explored.
The German African Business Summit (GABS) is Germany’s signature business event in Africa. At the GABS, top business and government leaders from Germany and Sub-Saharan Africa meet every two years in Africa to discuss and promote economic relations between Europe’s largest economy and the fastest-growing region in the world. The GABS is organized by the Sub-Saharan Africa Initiative of German Business (SAFRI) and chaired by the SAFRI Chairman, Prof. Dr. Heinz-Walter Große.
La Francophonie économique peut-elle se relancer en Afrique ?
6 octobre 2022 17:00 à 18:45
Académie des Sciences d'Outre-mer,15, rue La Pérouse,75016, ParisFrance
Tandis que deux pays africains membres de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) ont récemment choisi de rejoindre le Commonwealth, la question de l'attractivité de la Francophonie économique revient au premier plan de l’actualité, particulièrement à la veille du Rassemblement des Entrepreneurs francophones (REF), organisé par Medef International à Abidjan ((27-28 octobre) ainsi que du prochain Sommet de l’OIF à Djerba (19-20 novembre).
Invest in Africa with Digital Assets - East Africa Spotlight
Date: 7-12 September 2022
Hybrid-Nairobi, Kenya
INVEST IN AFRICA WITH DIGITAL ASSETS - East Africa Spotlight will explore means to accelerate Africa's Economic Recovery through Digital Assets and Sustainable Sources of Finance.
Committed to closing the Digital and Finance divide, Global Policy House launched in August 2020 a series of summits under the overarching umbrella of Invest in Africa with Digital Assets (IADA) Future Series launching the world’s first ‘CBDC Africa Week’ aiming to equip and connect Africa to the world through Digital Assets and Financial Innovations.
2022 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference: Convergence of National & Off-Grid Systems
Date: 22-26 August 2022
Kigali, Rwanda
PowerAfrica is the flagship conference in Africa co-sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and the Industrial and Applications Society (IAS).
It is the leading conference on the African continent focused on addressing its power and energy challenges. The conference provides a forum for researchers, engineers, policy makers and practitioners from Africa and beyond to share and discuss research findings, innovative ideas, emerging technologies and solutions to pressing challenges in the African energy sector.
Africa Association Summit (Aas4) 2022 Power Of Associations: Connect. Collaborate. Change Africa
Date: 29-30 September 2022
Kigali, Rwanda
Launched in 2019, the Africa Association Summit is an annual congregation of African and international not-for-profit executives drawn from professional and trade Associations, Civil Society Organizations, the Travel and Tourism industry, the Events industry, Industry suppliers, Government agencies and Pan African organizations such as Africa Union among other stakeholders.
The Summit is a multi-stakeholder event that enables participants to learn, share and exchange knowledge and information about Associations while at the same time offering them opportunities to network and connect.